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Concern Donation Presentation
May 30, 2023
On Thursday 18th May CBS Kilkenny were delighted to present a donation cheque for €5,020.20 to our chosen charity Concern.
This impressive total was raised during our Concern Fast organised by our wonderful teacher Ms Catriona Evison and also during our Lá Glas and Multicultural Day.
Yesterday we were delighted to welcome Sinead Morgan from Concern to CBS to speak to all year groups, explaining the great work that concern undertake to help those living in the world’s poorest countries and in addition how Concern offer emergency relief in areas of devastation all over the world. It was great for the students to see where their money raised was going and what a difference their €5,020.20 would make to these areas.
Thanks to all staff, students and parents who contributed to both the Concern Fast and Multicultural Day.